Foods that Naturally Whiten Your Teeth

Everyone is always chasing after the elusive shiny white smile. However, coffee, tea, red wine, and even some sodas can stain your teeth and darken your smile. Luckily, there are several cost-effective options to help bring your teeth back to their pearly glory. There are even some foods that whiten your teeth naturally. To learn more about what foods can naturally whiten your teeth, keep reading for some advice from Dr. Timothy McReath at McReath Orthodontics.

Fortunately, there are several foods you can find at your local grocery store that can help make your teeth whiter. Be sure to add these foods to your cart next time you’re at the store!

  • Strawberries – They contain an enzyme called malic acid that may aid in the tooth whitening process.

  • Apples, Celery, & Carrots – These foods act like natural stain removers. They do this by increasing saliva production, which serves as the mouth’s self-cleaning agent. They may also kill bacteria that causes bad breath and the crunchiness of the food works to scrub teeth clean.
  • Oranges & Pineapples – These tart fruits also increase saliva production! However, beware of foods with a high acidity, like lemons, because they can potentially damage the teeth.
  • Yogurt, Milk, & Cheese – Dairy products contain lactic acid, which may help protect against tooth decay. Additionally, the protein in these foods is thought to bind to teeth and protect them from attack by the harmful acids that cause cavities!

Luckily, expensive whitening treatments aren’t the only option to get the glowing smile of your dreams. Be sure to add these foods into your diet to keep your teeth looking their best! Feel free to always contact our office with any tooth related questions, we’re happy to help!

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